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A dance artist is moving while laying on the floor of a studio. She is pushing her upper body up with her arms while her legs stay relaxed across the floor. Sonja Boretski during Meryem Alaoui's workshop for Emerging Voices Project (2019).

Pleasure Sourcing with Vanessa Kimmons

February 2 and 4 at 10:15 a.m. EST

A gentle movement practice that invites us to be present in the moment; that encourages us to take in the constant shifts of sensation experienced in the body; and that chases the impossible task of being in a state of utmost pleasure at all times. The practice lives in this space where we seek to be present in our bodies while pursuing an intellectual proposal. The practice requires partnership between your thinking/critical mind, and your embodied knowledge. Through simple directions, we engage in an undemanding movement (on or off camera), take a moment to reflect (so please bring journals and writing materials) and then return as a group to reflect and share our thoughts and experiences. Simply tuning into our relationship with pleasure, brings us to a new place, both individually and collectively.

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