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Group of performers rehearsing with face masks on.

Participants during Ralph Escamillan’s Move/s workshop (2021).

Workshops & Classes for Dance Artists

All Season

As part of our commitment to supporting the professional development of artists in the community, TDT hosts special intensives in addition to our staple open classes where dance artists can train alongside TDT’s ensemble and together discover various dance practices and forms. Classes and workshops occur during TDT’s production season and the class schedule is typically released every 1 to 2 weeks. All TDT classes are on a pay-what-you-can basis (Suggested $15) and are held in-person at the Winchester Street Theatre.

Accessibility Info: Unfortunately the Winchester Street Theatre is not currently wheelchair accessible. There are three steps outside of the front entrance, a small platform, and then three more steps to the lobby (a straight hallway that then leads you to the theatre). To access the private gender-neutral restrooms, there are five additional steps at the end of the lobby. The seats in the theatre are on risers with stairs; please contact info@tdt.org if you have any questions regarding accessing our space.

Class Schedule

All classes are running from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m.

Monday September 9: Whacking with Chantelle Mostacho
Tuesday September 10: Whacking with Chantelle Mostacho
Wednesday September 11: Functional Pilates for Dancers with Susan Sinclair
Thursday  September 12: Body Magic Sessions with Andrew Tay
Friday September 13: Contemporary with Johanna Bergfelt, with accompanist Larry Graves

Monday September 16: Body Magic Sessions with Andrew Tay
Tuesday September 17: Whacking with Chantelle Mostacho
Wednesday September 18: Functional Pilates for Dancers with Susan Sinclair
Thursday  September 19: Punking/Whacking with Ashley ‘Colours’ Perez
Friday September 20: Contemporary with Johanna Bergfelt, with accompanist Larry Graves

No Current Workshops

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