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Moving Sensations Class with Andrew Tay

Saturday, January 13, 2024 - 10:00-11:30 AM ET
Winchester Street Theatre, 80 Winchester Street
Pay-what-you-can (Suggested $15)

Join Artistic Director of TDT, Andrew Tay, in this class which works with sensation as the motivation for generating personalized dance and movement vocabulary. Starting with a physical warm up,  you will be led through strategies to awaken your senses, stimulate endorphins, generate sweat and create an overall sense of playfulness in the body.  Towards the end of the session you will be introduced to some concepts that Andrew is experimenting within their upcoming work Odd-Sensual as part of TDT’s Winter Double Bill.  Everyone is welcome, this class is designed for anyone who wants to explore creative ways of moving and dancing their body!

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