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Martial Arts for Dancers Class with Sze-Yang Ade-Lam

November 29 at 10:15 - 11:45 a.m. ET
Winchester Street Theatre
Pay-what-you-can (Suggested $15)

Learn practical and applicable martial arts by way of Wing Chun Kung Fu- a martial art historically made by a womxn for a womxn, so that she can come out of a fight on top even against larger stronger opponents. Class will start with a guided multidisciplinary warm up drawing from dance, acrobatics, and kung fu, to properly warm up, stretch, strengthen, and align the body, to prepare it to understand fight spacial awareness, and to be able to throw and land a punch, a kick, and counter incoming offensive movements with counter striking. There will be guided hand to hand contact with other dancers/movers during the class.

Sze-Yang has over 25+ years of martial arts experience, in TaeKwon Do, Wushu, and specializing the last decade in Wing Chun.

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