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Dancers are spaced out in a large studio, each doing different movement from one another. The photo focuses on a dancer on the floor facing away from the camera. Their left leg is stretched out in front of them while their right leg is tucked in close to their hip. They are leaning forward over the straight leg. Behind them on the right another dancer props themselves up from the ground and kicks one of their legs in the air. There is a bubblegum pink tint over the photo. Participants during Ralph Escamillan's Move/s workshop (2021).

Kalarippayattu with Brandy Leary

October 24 and 25, 10:15 - 11:45 a.m.
Winchester Street Theatre
Pay-what-you-can (Suggested $15)

In these classes we will be working with techniques of grounding and alignment through the practice of kalarippayattu. Kalarippayattu is a South Indian martial art from the state of Kerala. It involves vigorous kicks, directional and level changes, physical postures and weapons practices. It has been an important training for dancers since the new wave of contemporary dance in India from the 80’s till present.

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