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‘Inflate-Deflate’ Improvisation Class with danielle Mackenzie Long

December 14 at 10:15 - 11:45 a.m. ET
Winchester Street Theatre
Pay-what-you-can (Suggested $15)

Inflate – Deflate Improvisation Class
This class is for caring for ourselves, as we land in the room in the current state we are in
This class will have us move either towards or away from our physical and mental impulses as they fluctuate (inflate – deflate)
This class invites us to improvise and interact with objects that (inflate – deflate)
This includes
our own body

our awareness of the space we occupy
bubble wrap

This class will ask us to receive the room and be received by the room (inflate – deflate)
In this class
you may hear David Byrne and Laurie Anderson 
you may touch many plastic bubbles
you may bring your own piece of bubble wrap to work with
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