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Class with Jennifer Laiwint

December 7 & 10

This workshop forges connections between bodily rhythms and feeling states and explores the ways that these can be creatively translated through movement, sound, drawing and creative visualizations. What happens to our physical rhythms when we attempt to overcome fear or enter a meditative trance? How can the interpretation of these tempos and their variations be a point of entry into movement creation, speculative storytelling and beat making? For this workshop, internal listening forms the basis for relational dance-based games, drawing exercises and beat making. Participants will engage in different modes of translation based on what is heard when listening to the body and their imaginations to generate movement, recorded sound, and sharing that might be found in a warehouse rave, a mystical sanctuary or an experimental research lab.

Although optional, downloading the free app called NOISE by Roli, will be a fun part of the workshop process.

More info about the NOISE App

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