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Dancers are spaced out in a large studio, each doing different movement from one another. The photo focuses on a dancer on the floor facing away from the camera. Their left leg is stretched out in front of them while their right leg is tucked in close to their hip. They are leaning forward over the straight leg. Behind them on the right another dancer props themselves up from the ground and kicks one of their legs in the air. There is a bubblegum pink tint over the photo. Participants during Ralph Escamillan’s Move/s workshop (2021).

Cardio, Pilates and Yoga with Renelyn Quinicot

10:15 - 11:45 a.m. EST on specified dates throughout 2022/23 Season
Winchester Street Theatre
Pay-What-You-Can (Suggested $15)

A 1.5 hour journey through tender, explorative, and playful movement. Pulling from actions inspired by Yoga, Pilates and Cardio-dance exercise, we’ll begin and end in restful meditation and work up a fiery heat to build strength in our bodies, and hearts in between. Expect to work the whole body, dance and sweat a bit, and leave with a few new supportive breathing tools to use in your every day.

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